Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tiny Boots: Thoughts As I Return
Home from the Store

The path to our humble home.

I've always hated these plants. In fact, I hate this pathway. Maybe this will be the year I dig everything up. Man, the lawn looks terrible. Ugh.

Add it to the list.

Lord. Have these steps always been this shabby? Is it embarrassing that we still haven't sanded and refinished that darn front door after eight years? Do people notice these things? Do our neighbors hate us?

This is when a minor panic sets in to my well-intentioned but slightly neurotic heart. The To Do list grows exponentially by the minute and I just don't know where we'll find the time, the money and the energy to do everything we want. It's all so overwhelming. It's all so daunting. It's all so never ending.


Tiny boots.

The rest of that stuff is so stupid.

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